Seven Practical Tips to be Good at Volleyball

An individual willing to put in the hard work off the court can be said as the best volleyball player. Some critical skills that volleyball players must have are absolute synchronization between the body and mind, coupled with dynamic team coordination and reading the moves of the opponents. Practicing fundamentals using different training equipment and devices can help one improve volleyball skills. This article enlists seven tips that can help a player to be good at volleyball with continuous improvement.

Improve physical fitness

For a volleyball player to play continuously for the entire match, it is essential that he works on improving his physical fitness. Sprint running for 40-50 yards at the maximum speed for 15 minutes with 30 seconds break can help a person improve his physical stamina and endurance. Some regular workouts that a volleyball player can do to increase his muscle strength for serving, returning, and playing to his full potential are dumbbell snatch, dumbbell squat, overhead triceps, leg stretches, single-head-RDL, and overhead press.

Additionally, jump rope can help volleyball players strengthen their upper and lower body muscles and increase cardiovascular health. Combining a single foot, two feet, and a crossover for two minutes can also prove to be helpful in refining volleyball skills.

Practising Serve

Balancing right and left feet to the body’s center of gravity is crucial for a volleyball player. The other vital parameters are feet direction and space, focus on the target, arm swing, angle of serve, and ball tossing angle calculation of air resistance. the practice of different serving types like floater, topspin, underhand, and jump can help improve volleyball skills.

Try slow-motion training

Slow-motion training with the appropriate equipment helps increase the awareness and agility of the player’s mind on the volleyball court. It can shape an individual into a fast-paced player who can play dynamic roles such as passing, bumping, volleying, spiking, etc. Also, slow-motion training helps the player increase team coordination and watch the opponent’s moves during the match.

Dynamic position shifting

It is essential for a person to practice playing from all positions – from being a right-side hitter and setter to being a middle blocker, opposite and outside hitter, and a Libero, to become an efficient volleyball player. This is a great way to develop thinking from all positions, which further improves player skills and also team coordination skills.

Playing in different positions demands quick footwork and lateral agility from the player. Also, a volleyball player must display good upper-body and lower-body strength. Specific training devices can help players increase their speed, agility, and strength.

Training on power hits

Shoulder and arm exercises using appropriate training devices like dumbbell arm swings, pushups, and military-press can help players practice power hitting. In addition, on-court practices of spiking, power-hitting, and returning exercises can improve volleyball skills and transform a person into a winning player.

Perfecting passes

Locking of elbows, shoulder, and arm positions and balancing body postures while passing the ball are some skills that are critical for maturing into a responsible volleyball player. It is only after concentrating on development by watching the serving height, trajectory, and speed of the ball, the position of team members, and the ball bloat that a player can improve his team coordination skills and also develop into a dependable volleyball player.

Learning to block

Some most critical parts of practicing ball blocking are ball watching, jumping, ball handling, and shoulder, arm, and hand positioning. training for properly positioning fingers and wrists, body posture, and court penetration while blocking the ball can help a person become an efficient volleyball player.


One of the best ways to improve volleyball skills is to use the best volleyball training equipment. The training devices are considered adequate for building vertical jump power, creating better landing control, and improving the ability to change direction with speed. Vertical jumps, speed, agility, and control are body characteristics that are extremely important for volleyball players. Furthermore, consistency in listening, understanding, analyzing, and coordinating with a team can massively improve volleyball skills. Also, it is a must for the volleyball player to unconditionally follow his coach and nutrition expert.




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