How To Choose The Perfect Golf Rangefinder?

Every golfer, especially beginners and amateurs becomes very confused when it comes to searching for the perfect golf rangefinder. However, you must keep in mind that you definitely need the best-rated golf rangefinder if you really want to make a big score.

In today’s post, I am going to answer the burning question – “How do I choose a golf rangefinder?”

Before I begin, I must let you know that golf rangefinders can be of varied types. And, the price range of each type can also differ at the same time.

In my experience, I would always suggest every golfer to look for the best rated golf rangefinder under $200. This is because it will meet your necessity without even emptying your pocket.

In the following, I am going to share a step-by-step guideline on how to choose the perfect golf rangefinder.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this detailed discussion…

What Should I Look For When Buying A Rangefinder?

At the very beginning, I must inform you of the fact that you must put your utmost focus on several crucial factors when it comes to looking for the perfect golf rangefinder.

As stated earlier, the wisest decision is to pick one of the best golf rangefinders under $200, so now I am going to explain all the factors that you have to concentrate on if you really want to get the perfect golf rangefinders under $200.

So, here we go…


Always keep in mind that the most basic or core function of a golf rangefinder is to measure the distance to s specific target as accurately as possible. So, I would highly recommend you to put a heavy focus on this particular factor when you look for the perfect golf rangefinder.

To be more precise, the term accuracy used here means the ability of the rangefinder for measuring the distance between your position and the position of your target (typically the flag in the case of Golf).

When you look for a rangefinder under $200, you may not expect something extraordinary in terms of performance. However, it will serve the purpose of any beginner-level golfer who is struggling with measuring the distance with naked eyes.

Slope Technology

The next crucial factor that you have to focus on is the Slope Technology used in the rangefinder you are going to buy.

Every golfer does know that a golf course is not just a flat or plain field. I am pretty much sure that you also do know that a golf course has various types of incline and decline angles as well as ups and downs.

So, the slope technology of the golf rangefinder plays a vital role in order to measure the accurate distance while adjusting the slopes that come in the view.

For this specific technology, your golf rangefinder can show you the most accurate measurement data regarding the distance through the slope adjustment technique.

In my experience, I have found that a golf rangefinder that doesn’t have the slope technology won’t be of any help when it comes to improving your gameplay.

However, I should also mention the fact that you won’t be allowed to use a golf rangefinder with slope adjustment technology in any professional golf tournament.

Measuring Range

Another highly important factor to concentrate on while searching for the best quality golf rangefinder under $200 is the ‘Measuring Range’ of the rangefinder.

It is essential to remember the fact that if a rangefinder doesn’t have a high-quality measuring range feature, you can’t expect a better performance from the rangefinder when it comes to measuring the distance to your target (the flag).

And, when you don’t have the exact idea about the distance, it won’t be possible for you to pick the right golf club required for a specific shot.

So, I would highly recommend you to put a higher level of focus on the ‘Measuring Range’ when you look for the top-rated golf rangefinders under $200.


The durability of a rangefinder used in golf is another key factor to concentrate on while conducting your search for the perfect golf rangefinder under $200.

Always remember that it will never be a good idea to choose a random rangefinder that is not durable enough to serve for a longer period.

So, when you search for a golf rangefinder, you should study the build materials of the rangefinder. At the same time, you should also check the coating type, lens quality, and similar other factors as well.


Another crucial factor to focus on when you look for the best-rated golf rangefinder is the optics of the rangefinder. You must keep in mind that the optics of the rangefinder used in golf play a very important role in finding and pointing out the target (usually the flagstick in Golf).

Besides, good quality optics of a rangefinder also help you in getting a clear view of the flag so you can easily use the ‘Target Lock Mechanism’.

So, when a golf rangefinder features high-quality optics, it clearly indicates that the device can provide you with a clear view of the target. At the same time, it will also help you measure the distance to the target in a precise manner.

But it won’t be possible for you to view the target or the flagstick clearly when the rangefinder has somewhat poor-quality optics. And, be sure that it won’t help you in improving your gameplay.

Hence, you must give a heavy focus on the optics quality of the rangefinder that you want to buy.

Eye Relief

You must be surprised to hear the fact that most golfers don’t even focus on the ‘Eye relief’ factor when it comes to buying a good quality golf rangefinder.

To be honest, golfers who don’t have any eyesight problems don’t need to get worried about this factor. But golfers who do use glasses should give a higher level of focus on the ‘Eye Relief’ factor of the rangefinder before making the final purchasing decision.

When a golf rangefinder has a high-quality lens, it won’t pressure your eyes while viewing the target. And, consequently, it won’t hurt your eyes (this is what every golfer should be concerned about).

So, there is no alternative to focusing on the ‘Eye Relief’ factor of the rangefinder that you want to purchase.

Final Words

By this time, you have got to know everything you need to follow when you want to buy the perfect golf rangefinder under $200.

Throughout the above discussion, I have tried to discuss all the crucial factors that you should focus on in order to get one of the best quality golf rangefinders under $200.

I am pretty much sure that I have successfully answered the most burning question which is – “What should I look for when buying a rangefinder?”

At the same time, I am also quite confident that now it has become easier for you to choose the ideal golf rangefinder under $200.

Still, if you face any problem or confusion, do not hesitate to email me explaining your problem.

I would love to help you out.

This is all I have for you this time.


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