Unlock Your Fitness Potential with the Relife Power Tower Station

If you’re familiar with gym equipment, there is a good chance that you’ve come across power towers, also known as pull up dip station. Most experts agree that they are an excellent piece to add to your collection.

However, suppose you’re not familiar with power towers. In that case, you might be wondering what makes them so unique and whether they are worth spending your hard-earned money on.

This year, buying a power tower should be on your list of New Year’s resolutions because they are an excellent addition to every home gym. Power tower stations are affordable, and you can do a lot of exercises on them, ranging from pull-ups to dips and crunches.

While we might be over the worst of the pandemic, the uncertainty is still there. Gym closures, new variants, and constant waves have made consistent training challenging. So building a home gym is the next best alternative if you want to be consistent in your training.

This article will look at some factors that you need to consider before purchasing a power tower and discuss the benefits of using a power tower station. Also, we give some important recommendations regarding the best strongest pre workout supplements that you can buy online.

What is a Power Tower?

A power tower, alternatively known as a knee raise station, is a piece of exercise equipment that you can use to build abdominal muscle and upper body strength. These machines come in different weights and sizes and can accommodate individuals of varying body weights.

The best power tower provides an excellent workout. You can hit many of the major muscle groups using your body weight. Bodyweight training movements are crucial if you want to keep an active and healthy lifestyle throughout your life.

Don’t let the simple design fool you. A power tower is your one-stop-shop for a multi-movement workout specializing in activating your obliques, abs, biceps, triceps, chest, and back muscles. You can also use the power tower for a lower body workout by adding a few affordable accessories.

Additionally, adding resistance bands will allow you to create different circuit training or strength training workouts in a small space and at a reasonable cost. This is great if you live in an apartment building in the city.

With our Relife PT Series Power Tower, you can develop an exercise routine that is time-efficient and gives you the results you want in the most efficient manner possible.

Relife PT Series Power Tower


Relife Power Tower offers some great features, including:

  • Load-bearing Capacity: 330LBS
  • Height Adjustment: 9 Levels (58.5 to 89 inches)
  • Handle Adjustment: 3 Levels (20.47-22.44 inch)
  • Backrest Adjustment: 4 Levels (7-9.8 inches)
  • Leg Press Adjustment: 2 Levels (29.3-39 inches)
  • Material: Steel
  • Product Size: 26.4 (W)x 35.4 (L)x 58.5~89 (H) inch
  • Weight: 63.9 LBS
  • Tough Steel Frame
  • Anti-Skid Comfort Handles
  • Ergonomic Design for Extra Comfort
  • Thicker Backrest and Forearm Cushions

Product Description

Relife’s power tower gives you one machine to do vertical knee raises, pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, dips, abdominal raises, and more. All you need to get a good workout on your power station is five minutes a day

The Relife power station features an upgraded

sturdy design, meaning it can withstand heavy or everyday use.

The machine features multiple adjustments designed to cater to a wide range of body sizes, heights, and shapes. It can withstand up to 330 lbs. So anyone in your family can use the machine thanks to the 6 adjustable height positions.

It also features a suction cup making the PT04 Relife power station more sturdy, so you can lift heavier weights. It also comes with a sturdy frame base and anti-slip feet in case you want to perform an intense workout.

We’ve also included a safety lock nut at the end of your power tower that will keep screws from loosening when you’re working out or adjusting your equipment.

It’s worth keeping in mind that you will have to assemble the power tower yourself. Suppose you’re not familiar with power towers. In that case, you can hire our experts to assemble them for you, but this comes at an additional cost.

Power Tower Health Benefits

Many health and fitness industry experts talk about the necessity of power towers. Especially if your aim is to reach your optimal fitness levels and achieve that ideal body composition that you always dreamed of.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people should engage in muscle-strengthening exercises at least 2 or more days of the week. They should combine this with 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

Additionally, engaging in muscle-strengthening activities can lower all-cause mortality. But a study in 2020 found that only 10-30% of adults actually include muscle strengthening exercises this often in their routine.

So below, we’ve given you a list of some excellent power tower benefits:

1. They save you a lot of space

The best power tower stations combine multiple machines in one. So if you don’t have much space for a complete home gym, having a few multi-purpose machines like the power tower will do the trick.

For example, some things that you can get in most power towers include:

  • A pull-up bar
  • Dip station
  • Vertical abs station (some models have it)
  • Push up station

2. They help you perfect body weight movements

The power tower station helps perfect body weight movements like pull-ups, push-ups, and dips. Body-weight movements are considered an ideal strength training exercise. They help tone your body, target entire muscle chains and help build lean muscle instead of working out isolated muscles (and overlooking others).

3. Helps you get an entire body training session

Using a power tower helps you get an entire body training session without needing a weight machine. However, adding free weights to your power tower workout may help you burn more calories and build muscle. So, for example, holding a dumbbell or weight plate during vertical knee raises allows you to turn up your resistance training on your power tower.

4. You save a lot of time

If you’re pressed for time, or you’re too tired to head to the gym once you get home, purchasing a power tower for your home gym will be a great alternative.

You can work out without ever having to leave your home to go to a gym or a steel fitness playground. Additionally, you can work out at any time of the day.

5. Power towers are easy to assemble and portable

A power tower station is not a massive piece of equipment, which means you can move it around your home. Moreover, most weigh 70 lbs. at most, and they don’t have to be anchored to a wall or drilled into place, so you can feel free to move them whenever you want.

So transferring them to a new location should be reasonably quick. For instance, let’s say you’re tired of working out inside your home; you can move your power tower station to your backyard or pop it in your car to work out anywhere, like at the park.

6. Power towers are affordable.

You may be hesitant to buy a power tower at first because it can cost above $100, but it is a fantastic investment to make in the long run. A power tower could save you money for several reasons such including:

  • No gym membership fees.
  • A power tower in your home also means you will spend less on workout equipment.
  • You will not have to spend thousands of dollars on a few different pieces of equipment since a power tower is a multi-purpose machine.

Overall, power towers are highly effective at strengthening and toning your upper body, including your core muscles and back. They also help you isolate areas that might need a little more attention.

The Relife Power Tower is an all-in-one strength machine with multiple stations to target different areas of your body. It is indeed the go-to piece of equipment for those who want a full-body workout and requires minimum set-up time while delivering excellent fitness results.

In this case, there really isn’t anything that compares to our Relife Power Tower in terms of the variety of exercises you can perform. Especially considering its sleek and elegant, space-efficient design.

Power tower station buying guide

There are at least four factors that you must consider when purchasing a power tower for your home gym. These are:

  • Your budget
  • How much space you have in your home or in the area you want to place it
  • The materials that the manufacturer used
  • How the power tower station will suit your exercise needs

Once you’ve considered these factors, you will be in a position to better understand what you need from your power tower station. Additionally, the following factors should help you find the best power tower for your home gym.

1. The size

The power tower size should be one of the first things you need to consider. We recommend measuring the space you’ve got in your home for practical reasons. Suppose you are limited in terms of space. In that case, you should look for a smaller machine but remember that smaller power towers may have limited versatility.

Thankfully our Relife power tower comes with 9 levels of height adjustment from 58.5 to 89 inches, so it can fit comfortably in small spaces.

2. The durability of the power tower station

The durability of your power tower is also an important consideration. The stronger the material, the more money you save in the long run because you don’t need to replace this machine again.

Take into consideration the materials used to manufacture the machine. We recommend buying a power tower that is made from heavy-duty steel. Additionally, the wider the steel, the more stable and durable.

3. Versatility

Variety is the spice of life, and so is versatility. A power tower allows you to perform different exercises on one machine. This is unlike other home gym equipment like exercise bikes which only give you one type of workout.

However, not all power towers are created equal. At the very least, your power tower should allow you to perform:

  • Dips
  • Press-ups
  • Vertical knee raises
  • Rows
  • Pull-ups
  • Sit-ups

Aim for a power tower with an adjustable rack so you can tailor your workouts to your fitness level.

4. Accessories

Another feature to look out for is the accessories that come included with your power tower.

Some models will come with extra accessories like hand grips and slings so that you have the most efficient workout. Some models come with a bench to help you complete full-body training. If the power tower you want doesn’t come with accessories, it may not offer you much versatility.

One last thing you must do is make sure that the extra accessories are compatible with the power tower you choose.

5. Price

You get what you pay for. Some of the best power towers come with extra features and tend to be pricer. So, a significant factor to consider will be the price of your power tower station.

Try not to break the bank and stick to the best power tower within your budget. Moreover, go through the factors we’ve listed above to see how many other factors your most affordable power tower covers.

Avoid buying the cheapest power tower you come across, as you might end up having to purchase a new one sooner than you anticipated. It’s better to save up some money and buy a durable machine that has all the functions and versatility you need.

Relife Power tower workouts

Now that you know what to look for in a power tower station, we’ve come up with a few examples of how to conduct a workout session on a power tower.

Keep in mind that a power tower allows you to work on your core, legs, and upper body.

You can use your power tower station to perform:

  • Pull-ups
  • Dips
  • Vertical knee raises
  • Chin-ups
  • Muscle-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups

And many more.

How to Perform Workouts on the Power Tower

1. Dips

Dips are a type of exercise that targets your entire upper body. Using the side-mounted handles, align your upper arms with the handles, bend your knees and interlace your lower legs. This will be your starting position. At a 90 degree angle, rise slowly up and then lower yourself, so your upper and lower arms are at a 90-degree angle. Perform three to four sets, with 90-second rest in between. Again, remember to exhale as you go down and inhale on your way up.

You can perform as many dips as you can for up to 12 reps; just remember to take note of the exact number. Slowly increase the level of challenge during each workout routine.

2. Push-Ups

Grip the handles at the push-up station, and ensure that your body is parallel to the handles. This is the starting position. And you can do as many push-ups as you can until you feel your muscles start to lightly tremble; if you’re a beginner, this will feel like a slight burning sensation. This is a signal that you’ve reached your limit. So take note of the number and slowly increase the number of push-ups you can do each workout or each following week.

We recommend performing four complete sets for the best results. Take at least 90 seconds to rest between each set. Keep in mind that you need to exhale on your way down and inhale on your way up.

Push-ups are a great workout and strengthen your shoulder, chest, triceps, and abdominal muscles.

3. Reverse grip pull-ups

This exercise is very similar to the standard pull-up, but it targets your biceps more. Reverse grip pull-ups are great for developing your forearms as well as your grip strength. We recommend performing a minimum of eight chin-ups, and again keep note of the maximum number you can achieve. Four sets are usually the standard if you want maximum results.

If you want more of a challenge, try to use alternating grips. Just be sure to control your breathing as you perform the exercise.

4. Wide grip pull-ups

Another excellent bicep workout is the wide-grip pull-up. Start by grabbing the overhead pull-up bar and letting the rest of your body hang from the tower. Next, lift yourself upwards toward and slightly past the bars, exhaling while you contract your arm and back muscles. Use controlled movements to lower yourself back slowly to the starting position while taking a deep breath, then explode back upwards.

Repeat as many times as you can, but three to four sets should give you optimal results. If you want more of a challenge, you can wear a weight belt or ankle weights for added resistance.

5. Vertical Knee Raises

Vertical knee raises are an excellent way to really burn those calories and work both your abdominal and oblique muscles. Start with your legs down, then slowly raise your bent knees towards your chest while tightening your abdominal muscles. Gradually return to the starting position in a controlled motion. Perform at least eight vertical knee raises until you feel a slight burn in your core region.

To work your obliques, even more, you can add in a twisting motion as you bring your knees up. This will target your oblique muscles. Keep your legs straight as you raise them for more of a challenge, or wear ankle weights to add resistance to this exercise.

6. Circuit Training

Lastly, if you’re looking for an intense, total body and core workout, performing circuit training can push your body to the limit. To tone your body and get those exciting results, we recommend the following circuit exercise routine:

  • 8-12 push-ups, followed by a 90-second rest.
  • 8-12 dips. Rest for 90 seconds.
  • 8-12 wide-grip pull-ups, followed by a 90-second rest.
  • 8-12 reverse grip pull-ups/chin-ups. Rest for 90 seconds.
  • 8-12 vertical knee raises, followed by a 2-minute rest.

Depending on your fitness level, repeat the circuit as many times as you can endure.

Finally, remember that every workout must be approached with caution. There are some things you should do to reduce the risk of injury when using a power tower. These precautions include:

  • Warming up before exercising
  • Checking the maximum weight capacity of your power tower station
  • Placing the equipment on floor level
  • Ensuring that your power tower has a good grip and non-slip handles, so you don’t fall.
  • Booking professional assembly services if you’re not confident about your DIY capabilities
  • Always cooling down after exercising

The bottom line for power towers

The best power tower will depend on your budget and needs. Try to pick a durable machine; if you treat it well, it should last you a lifetime without costing you an arm and a leg. We recommend selecting a power tower that is strong enough not to wobble under 300lbs of weight and has some great extra features. A power tower makes your workouts much more straightforward, and it will be lighter in your pocket.

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